Discover TI-MUN Lugano 2024



MUN are a simulation in which students represent the viewpoint of their allocated state in a given body of the United Nations. Through debates and decision-making all delegates have the power to change the future and begin their route to become leaders of tomorrow.


Simulating 5 committees and annually calling 100 students, TI-MUN aims to be a midsize MUN where Delegates meet principally to understand and practicize their knowlege of UN and International Relations system.


Students of differents ages and from many Country attends the Conference. TI-MUN is a place where student can begin creating their network between peers and specials guest actives in diplomacy, international relations and humanitarian work.


English is not the only language of youth. TI-MUN promotes a smooth transition between the debate in one's mother tongue and the international conference experience. In some committees it is possible to speak in Italian.

Diplomatic experience

TI-MUN was created to bring an activity to Ticino that elsewhere involves many young people interested in diplomacy, international relations and the development of the Sustainable Development Goals. From the first group of young enthusiasts, today it brings together a small network of teachers and institutes that actively promote the MUN as a tool to know and deepen the reality of today's world. The genuineness from which the project is born characterizes the spirit of the conference: to progressively learn to face the complexity of human relationships.

The TICINO experience

In addition to being a popular tourist destination between the Mediterranean and the Alps, the Canton of Ticino has always been a place of meetings, hospitality and diplomacy. Alongside the commitments of the Conference, discover a land of a thousand flavors that ranges from large urban centers to Alpine agriculture, from archaeological sites to recent works by great artists and architects, diplomates and avant-guarde artistics expressions. Enjoy our genuine and local cuisine in company. Are YOU ready for what Ticino has to offer?

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